junction in my journey  


"The father who would taste the essence of his fatherhood must turn back from the plane of his experience, take with him the fruits of his journey and begin again beside his child...
" Angelo Patri

viva la vida  


Still alive... haven't entirely forgotten about this little corner of memoirs. We are settling into our new abode in SA and are doing very well.

This journey however has reached important junctures as of the last time I sat down to write. Wonderful news ... Amber and I have received the most incredible gift ever. His name is Quinn Dakota Luna and he is nearly 6 weeks old now. He is beautiful. His silent breathing and wordless smiles have made me feel more joy than all the combined partying there has been in my life.

I pray that I will learn to give more of myself, be less selfish with my time, and help awaken in you the desire to reach out to others. Te amo chiquito.

Amber, thank you for bringing our little boy into the world... thank you for being my wife. We will enjoy seeing this little man grow every step of the way mi amor, it's the beginning of something new and challenging; I know it will be the most rewarding experience yet and having you to share it with makes me doubly blessed... Te amo.